Enneagram Compatibility: What Types Are Most Compatible?

Enneagram Compatibility Chart and Compatibility Insights for 9 Types

Discover how personality types influence Enneagram compatibility and relationships. Check out the Enneagram compatibility chart to see potential relationship matches.

Enneagram compatibility, simply put, refers to the potential for harmonious combinations or pairings between different personality types based on how their characteristics and core motivations interact, as well as other factors.

What is The Enneagram Compatibility Chart?

The Enneagram compatibility chart is a framework that provides basic assessment of potential compatibility between individuals based on their Enneagram personality types.

It typically outlines which Enneagram types tend to complement each other well in relationships, friendships, or collaborations, as well as which types might encounter challenges or conflicts.

The Enneagram compatibility chart below gives you a quick overview of which personality types may be potentially compatible and which tend to encounter harder challenges.

By delving into Enneagram compatibility, individuals can gain deep insights into how different types may communicate, interact, and relate to one another, in addition to their shared values, strengths, and potential challenges in relationships. These understandings offer a roadmap for navigating the complexities of human connection, guiding us towards harmonious relationships and personal growth.

Enneagram type

High potential to be compatible with

Tend to face challenges but can work when both try harder

Type 1: The Perfectionist

Type 2 and Type 3

Type 7 and Type 4

Type 2: The Helper

Type 9 and Type 1

Type 5 and Type 4

Type 3: The Achiever

Type 9 and Type 6

Type 7 and Type 4

Type 4: The Individualist

Type 5 and Type 7

Type 1 and Type 2

Type 5: The Investigator

Type 7 and Type 4

Type 8

Type 6: The Loyalist

Type 9

Type 7 and Type 3

Type 7: The Enthusiast

Type 4 and Type 9

Type 8 and Type 1

Type 8: The Challenger

Type 6 and Type 2

Type 7 and Type 9

Type 9: The Peacemaker

Type 2 and Type 7

Type 8

The Enneagram Compatibility Chart

However, please note that compatibility isn’t determined by Enneagram types alone and that individual differences, personal growth, communication skills, and mutual understanding also play significant roles in relationship dynamics. More importantly, no Enneagram pairing is particularly blessed or doomed, even between two types with great natural harmony and affinity.

Of course, all pairings have their distinct strengths and challenges. It’s never a good idea to believe that certain types are destined to be together or that you can’t get along with those whose Enneagram types lack complementary traits or even contradict yours. 

Instead, it's the willingness to work through differences that determines the success of a relationship. So, please note that Enneagram compatibility is a tool for deeper connection and empathy, not a rigid framework dictating who should be together.

Which Enneagram Types are Compatible Together?

Here’s a deeper look at how compatible different types are based on their core traits, motivations, strengths, weaknesses, and more.

Type 1s Commonly Pair Well With 2s and 3s

Enneagram Ones, the Perfectionists, are driven by a desire for integrity and improvement. They are also known for their principled nature, strong sense of right and wrong, and commitment to doing what is right.

Ones tend to find compatibility with Type 2, the Helpers, and Type 3, the Achiever. Twos can soften Ones' self-criticism with their nurturing nature, while Ones bring a strong sense of consistency and drive for personal improvement. Additionally, the ambitious and goal-oriented mindset of Type 3 resonates with Type 1's need for structure and achievement, creating a driven and focused partnership.

On the other hand, Type 1 may face challenges in relationships with Type 7 due to their spontaneous and adventurous spirit, which can conflict with Type 1's need for order and adherence to rules. Similarly, the individualistic and emotionally intense nature of Type 4 may create tension with Type 1's preference for self-discipline and a structured approach, potentially leading to misunderstandings and conflicts in their interactions.

Empathetic 2s Commonly Go Well With Principled 1s and Easy-Going 9s

Warm, empathetic, and generous, Enneagram Twos, the Helpers, have a strong desire to help and connect with others. These traits tend to make them compatible with Enneagram Types 1 and 9.

Type 1, the Perfectionist, resonates with Type 2's desire to help and nurture, forming a partnership grounded in shared values of integrity, responsibility, and compassion.

Similarly, Type 2's emphasis on nurturing and creating harmony aligns with the peace-seeking and laid-back nature of Type 9, fostering a compassionate and empathetic connection.

In contrast, Type 2 may face challenges in relationships with Type 5, the Investigator, due to their independent and analytical mindset, which can clash with Type 2's need for emotional connection and validation. Likewise, the emotionally intense and individualistic nature of Type 4 may create tension with Type 2's tendency to prioritize the needs of others.

Energetic 3 Often Pairs Well With 9s and 6s

Enneagram Type 3, the Achiever, is characterized by ambition, adaptability, and a drive for success. Individuals of this type may often find easy compatibility when pairing with Types 9 and 6. 

Type 9s, The Peacemakers, with their easy-going nature, can help balance Type 3's drive for success and achievement, encouraging Type 3 to prioritize balance and well-being alongside their goals. Similarly, Type 6, The Loyalist, with its sense of loyalty and reliability, complements Type 3's drive for success, providing a steady and supportive foundation.

However, Type 3 may face compatibility challenges with Type 7 and Type 4. Type 7, the Enthusiast, with a desire for novelty, excitement, and spontaneity, may conflict with Type 3's need for structure and achievement. Additionally, Type 4, the Individualist, with its depth of emotion and desire for authenticity, may find Type 3's focus on success and image superficial, leading to a lack of connection or understanding.

Type 4 Tends to Be Highly Compatible with 5s & 7s

Individualists, or Enneagram Fours, are characterized by their introspective and emotionally rich nature, along with their creativity and desire for authenticity. Since they may often get lost in their emotions, Type 4s need a partner to help them balance their emotions and reason, such as a Type 5.

Both Fours and Fives value introspection and a rich inner world. Fives, with their analytical minds, can offer Fours a different perspective on their emotions, while Fours can draw Fives out of their shells and explore their feelings. In addition, Sevens' optimism and zest for life can balance Fours' melancholy, while Fours can ground Sevens' scattered energy with their introspective nature.

Conversely, Type 4 may face challenges in relationships with Type 1, the Perfectionist. Ones’ principled, perfectionistic, and even critical nature can clash with Type 4's need for emotional authenticity and individuality, leading to feelings of judgment or restriction. Similarly, the emotionally driven and nurturing approach of Type 2 may create tension with Type 4's desire for deeper and more complex connections.

Intellectual Fives Commonly Pairs Well With 4s and 7s

Characterized by their analytical, independent, and knowledge-seeking nature, Type 5s value independence and privacy, often appearing reserved. They can be a good match for Types 7 and 4. 

Sevens' adventurous spirit and excitement about new ideas may spark Fives' curiosity and draw them out of their shells. Fives, in turn, can offer Sevens a deeper perspective and help them focus their energy. 

Fours also resonate with Fives' introspective nature. Both types share a rich inner world and a depth of emotion. Fives can also offer Fours a safe space to explore their feelings, while Fours can help Fives connect with their emotions on a deeper level.

However, Type 5 may encounter challenges in compatibility with Type 8, the Challenger. Eights tend to exhibit assertiveness and a need for control, potentially clashing with Type 5's inclination towards privacy and independence.

Faithful Type 6s Commonly Pair Well With Kind-Hearted 9s

Enneagram Type 6, the Loyalist, is known for their loyalty, responsibility, and tendency to anticipate potential risks and challenges. They value trust and guidance, likely being compatible with Type 9, the Peacemaker. Nines' easygoing and peace-seeking nature can naturally soothe Sixes’ suspicious and doubtful side. Type 9s can provide Sixes with a sense of calm and security, and in return, Type 6s provide Nines with faithful and trustworthy support to help them navigate challenges in life.

However, Type 6 may face challenges in relationships with Type 7 due to their impulsivity and adventurous spirit, which can conflict with Type 6's tendency to anticipate potential risks and seek security. Similarly, the goal-oriented and success-driven mindset of Type 3 may find it difficult to understand and accommodate Type 6's cautious and risk-averse approach.

Enthusiastic Type 7s Often Goes Well with 4s and 9s

Enneagram Sevens, the Enthusiasts, can be identified by their spontaneous, adventurous, and optimistic nature. The curious Sevens tend to often form a good pair with Types 4 and 9 but may face challenges in relationships with Types 6 and 1.

Type 9, the Peacemaker, with its calm and stable nature, can help the free-spirited Sevens slow down and better enjoy the present moment. As for Type 4, the Individualist, its depth of emotion and creativity can complement Type 7's adventurous spirit and help ground their scattered energy.

However, Sevens' need for constant novelty may find it difficult to relate to Type 1, the Perfection, due to its principled, disciplined nature, high standards, and adherence to rules. Sevens may find Ones' critical nature hindering their enjoyment of life. Likewise, Type 8, the Challenger, with its assertiveness and desire for control, may clash with Type 7's preference for freedom and exploration.

Assertive 8s are Often Compatible With Trustworthy 6s and Empathetic 2s

The Challenger, aka Enneagram Type 8, are assertive and decisive leaders characterized by a strong desire for control. Powerful and self-confident, Eights can be a good match with Types 6 and 2 but may find themselves incompatible with Types 7 and 9.

In terms of Enneagram compatibility, Types 8 and 6 can often go along well with each other, as both value trustworthiness and loyalty. Type 6, the Loyalist, with its loyalty and reliability, complements Type 8's leadership qualities, fostering a strong partnership. Eights are also drawn to Type Twos, the Helpers, and highly value their warmth, selfless support, and ability to build connections.

On the other hand, the Eight's forceful nature and need for control may clash with Type 7's spontaneity and desire for freedom. Also, Nines, the Peacemakers, with their priority of harmony above all else, are likely to create tension with Type 8's assertiveness and drive to seek control.

Easy-going 9s Commonly Pairs Well With 2s & 7s

Enneagram Type 9, the Peacemaker, is known for their calm, peaceful nature and desire for harmony, stability, and comfort. Their easy-going traits and ability to see multiple perspectives make Peacemakers supportive partners and compatible with several types, including Types 2 and 7.

Sevens are highly attracted to Nines, whom they perceive as their comfort zones. Nines also appreciate Sevens' optimism and can help ground their scattered energy. Besides, Type 9's accommodating and empathetic nature aligns seamlessly with the nurturing and supportive tendencies of Type 2, creating a harmonious and caring relationship. However, the assertive and confrontational style of Type 8s, the Challengers, can clash with a Nine's avoidance of conflicts, leading to potential compatibility issues.

Along with personality types, Enneagram compatibility is decided by other factors, including personal growth and development, effective communication, mutual respect and understanding, etc.

Remember: Compatibility Isn't Guaranteed By Type Alone

Compatibility in any relationship, whether it's friendship, colleagues, romantic love, or else, is not guaranteed by type alone. Again, please note that none of the 45 Enneagram-type combinations are 100% perfect or incompatible.

Even the types of pairings with the highest potential for compatibility face challenges. In contrast, type combinations that appear to conflict with each other also have unique strengths.

For example, Types 2 and 1 tend to have high compatibility in their personalities; however, potential challenges may still arise when Type 1's inclination toward perfection conflicts with Type 2's tendency to prioritize relationships over personal standards. 

On the other side, the relationship between Type 7 and Type 1 can face great difficulties, as mentioned above; however, Type 7 can bring spontaneity, optimism, and a sense of adventure to Type 1's structured approach, encouraging them to embrace joy and flexibility.

That said, while understanding Enneagram types can provide valuable insights into potential compatibility, it's crucial to remember that compatibility is not solely determined by type. 

Instead, it’s influenced by several other factors, including:

  • The individuals’ personal growth and development, regardless of their Enneagram type, greatly impact their ability to engage in meaningful connections. Conscious self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and willingness to address personal issues can profoundly lead to better communication and understanding, which are key for any relationship.
  • Mutual respect and understanding are another cornerstone of compatibility. It allows individuals to appreciate their differences and view them as strengths rather than obstacles. This respect fosters an environment where both parties feel understood and valued, leading to the development of a deeper connection.
  • Shared values and goals also play a significant role. They can align individuals more closely than similar personality traits. When two people prioritize the same ideals and work towards mutual objectives, they establish a strong bond and connection.
  • Effective communication, active listening, and conflict-resolution skills are essential for navigating differences and resolving disagreements constructively. They contribute to the strength of a relationship, transcending the boundaries of Enneagram types.

Bottom line

To conclude, exploring Enneagram compatibility unveils valuable insights into how individuals relate to one another, offering a framework for improving relationships and guiding individuals towards more fulfilling and harmonious relationships in all aspects of life. 

Still, it's essential to recognize that compatibility extends beyond type alone. Factors like personal growth, effective communication, mutual respect, life experiences, etc., significantly influence how strong a relationship is. In other words, all types can be compatible and get along well if mutual understanding, empathy, and more are in place.

On our website, you can read more useful articles, one of which is Enneagram Origin & History: Where Did The Enneagram Come From?.