Type Threes In Relationships: What Type Is Best Match For Enneagram 3?

Enneagram 3 Relationship Compatibility: Insights, Challenges, Growth Strategies

Type Threes in relationships are charming, energetic, and success-oriented partners. However, their relentless pursuit for success may lead to conflicts with others.

Enneagram Type 3s, the Achievers, are known for their success-oriented, energetic, and adaptable traits. They are also self-assured, charming, status-conscious, and highly driven for achievements and personal advancement. Type Threes in relationships tend to be devoted partners while valuing competence and genuine care. Wonder what types Enneagram 3 are most compatible with? Read on to get the answers now!

Enneagram Type Threes in Relationships: Love, Family, and Friendships

Enneagram Achievers often bring optimism and a great deal of energy to their relationships. People of this type love to share their enormous enthusiasm for pursuing dreams and reaching goals. As belonging to the Enneagram heart triad, Type 3s can also be adept at sensing the emotions of others, yet they may find it challenging to understand their inner feelings and self-worth. Threes are hardworking, busy, and image-conscious; however, underneath their relentless search for worth and validation is a strong desire to be valued for who they genuinely are.

Enneagram Three in Romantic Relationships

In love, Type 3 people can be charming, supportive, and practical partners, striving to build a life full of happiness and success with their significant others. When a Type 3 feels safe and loved and is in a balanced state, they may become playful and very dedicated, exuding passionate energy.

When less healthy, however, Threes tend to become preoccupied with reaching goals, success, accomplishments, or any other measure of their worth. This relentless drive for success can leave their partner feeling neglected.


  • Innate adaptability and optimism.
  • Inherent ability to communicate effectively.
  • Vibrant, enthusiastic energy.

Potential challenges: 

  • Being too busy and focused on reaching goals may cause them to neglect to invest quality time in their relationships.
  • May become emotionally vulnerable around their romantic partners.

How-to-grow tips (Enneagram type 3 dating advice):

  • Prioritize quality time with their partner, ensuring they are not always in pursuit of the next big achievement.
  • Cultivate authenticity, allowing themselves to be loved for who they truly are, not just for their success or accomplishments.
  • Communicate openly about their feelings and needs, fostering deeper emotional connections.

Type Threes In Relationships What Type Is Best Match For Enneagram 3

Enneagram Threes in the Family Relationship

As family members, Enneagram Threes bring a can-do spirit to family life. Their ambition inspires and motivates their family members to set goals and reach their full potential. As parents, for example, Enneagram Achievers, when at their best, can be great role models for competency and self-confidence for their kids. However, their relentless pursuit of success and deep focus on work can sometimes come at the expense of emotional connection. Threes might prioritize accomplishments over quality time for their family.


  • Bring enthusiasm, energy, and a sense of purpose to the family.
  • Supports family members in their endeavors.

Potential challenges: 

  • Difficulty admitting vulnerabilities within the family.
  • May neglect deeper emotional connections in pursuit of success.

How-to-grow tips: 

  • Practice active listening and empathy to better understand family members' feelings.
  • Balance work and family life; prioritize spending meaningful time with loved ones to foster deep connections, not just focus on achievement-oriented ones.
  • Encourage open communication and create a safe space for vulnerability and expressing emotions.

Enneagram Threes with Friends

In friendships, Type 3 people can be highly supportive and inspiring friends who enjoy seeing their friends achieve goals and personal achievements.

Charming and charismatic in social settings, Threes are masters at connecting people and maintaining multiple friendships without much trouble.

It’s also worth noting that shared ambition and enthusiasm are keys to making a relationship with a Type 3 thrive. They’re great at inspiring their friends to reach and maintain goals. That’s how an Achiever can bring out the best in others.


  • Highly motivated and ambitious, inspiring others
  • Excellent communicators and networkers
  • Adaptable and able to fit into different social circles

Potential challenges: 

  • Difficulty being vulnerable and showing their true feelings
  • Struggle to show their true selves

How-to-grow tips: 

  • Cultivate self-acceptance instead of constant self-improvement
  • Deepen friendships by sharing personal struggles
  • Express emotions more openly and authentically with trusted friends
  • Find a healthy balance between striving for success and nurturing relationships.

enneagram test

Enneagram Type 3 Relationship Compatibility

So, who are Enneagram 3 compatible with?

The truth is that success-oriented Threes and any type can build a strong relationship together as long as mutual respect, understanding, and efforts to work towards shared goals together are in place.

Still, it’s important to note that each type in the Enneagram system relates to others differently. Here are details about relationship compatibility between Type 3 and each of the 9 personality types:

Type 3 with Type 1

Enneagram type Threes in relationships with One can be an excellent duo, combining the detail, order, and principled nature of a One with the ambition and competency of a Three. They are both task-oriented, hold high standards, and crave advancement. This pair, when together, may create a strong foundation for mutual respect and admiration.

As a romantic couple, this duo tends to find common ground in their shared dedication to personal growth and improvement.

The Three appreciate the One’s discipline, commitment, and responsibility, while the One admires competency and a can-do attitude belonging to the Three. They can support each other’s endeavors and stay rational to address conflicts and differences.

In family relationships, their shared sense of responsibility and commitment to improvement can create a supportive environment. As friends, these two can be a formidable team, where their mutual drive for success and achievement can foster a dynamic and inspiring connection. 

However, the relationship between Type 3 and Type 1 can face potential challenges arising from differences in their approaches to goals and priorities. Type 1 values perfectionism and adherence to rules, while Type 3s may prioritize success and external validation. That can lead to the fact that the One may feel dismissed, and the Three can feel criticized. 

To enhance compatibility, the key is finding a balance and understanding between their contrasting traits and motivations. If Three learns to stay true to themselves and One knows how to tame their inner critic, they can get along so well together.

Type 3 and Type 2

By offering emotional warmth to those around them, Type 2s have a high potential for compatibility with Enneagram Threes. In turn, Threes, with their ambitious drive and success-oriented mind, can inspire Twos with a lot of motivation to achieve things in life.

In love, both are passionate, engaging, and charming. They give one another lots of attention and complement what seems to be lacking in each other.

Twos bring warmth, affirmation, and acceptance to this relationship, reminding Threes that they don’t have to focus too much on success to be valuable. On the other hand, Type Threes in relationships offer their partners energy, liveliness, and ambition, inspiring Twos to pursue their passions and dreams with determination. Together, they may create a love where success is not just measured in achievements but also in the depth of their emotional bond. 

In family life, these two may create a warm and encouraging environment, with Type 2s offering emotional support and Type 3s providing practical guidance and encouragement. Likewise, in friendships, this combination might lead to deep and lasting connections based on Type 2s’ warmth and empathy and Type 3’s motivation and inspiration.

Of course, different core traits within Type 2 and 3 personalities may challenge their relationships. Type 2s may prioritize nurturing and care, while Type 3s may focus on achievement, success, and external validation. This can lead to potential conflicts, misunderstandings, or feelings of neglect. The solution here lies in open communication to ensure mutual understanding and support. Also, both parties should learn to balance their priorities and appreciate each other’s unique strengths and perspectives.

Type 3 with Type 3

Double type Threes in relationships bring quite the same qualities to one another. They are sociable, charming, and success-oriented, focusing on working toward mutual and individual goals. Together, this duo can do awesome things. 

In romantic relationships, they tend to be wonderfully supportive of each other and able to bring out the best in their partner and the people around them. Both are driven, prioritize efficiency, and want to be outstanding, so they can feel mirrored in their relationships and be able to find a genuine, loving, and caring Three behind the relentless pursuit of success and achievement.

The combination of the two Threes in family relationships can create a goal-focused and efficiency-driven environment. They are likely to encourage their family members to be the best, confidently following their dreams. In friendships, two Threes can form a strong bond based on their shared drive and determination; both motivate and push each other to new heights.

However, a Three-Three combination may confront challenges and conflicts if competition and comparison enter their relationship, which potentially leads to feelings of rivalry. In addition, the focus on external validation might lead to a superficial connection, neglecting deeper emotional needs. By learning to support each other's emotional growth alongside their relentless pursuit of success, the two Threes can achieve true fulfillment, both individually and as a couple or as friends.

Type 3 and Type 4

The pairing between a confident, practical Three and a romantic, mysterious Four can create a unique duo where each brings qualities the other lacks. Type 4s, with their depth and introspection, can help Type 3s acknowledge and process their emotions on a deeper level. On the other hand, Type 3s, with their high energy, practicality, and ambition, can help introspective Fours to be more in touch with the real world.

As a romantic couple, their contrasting approaches can create charm and complementarity, where Type 3s are drawn to the Type 4s' unique perspectives and depth of emotion, and Type 4s are attracted to Type 3s’ competence, high energy, and witty nature.

When together, this pairing can inspire each other to reach new heights of personal growth and self-expression.

Threes can push Fours to pursue their dreams and be more present, while Fours can help Threes slow down and better connect with their authentic selves.

As family members, their contrasting qualities may complement each other, with Type 3s offering efficiency and support and Type 4s providing creativity and emotional depth. Within friendships, their differences can lead to a dynamic and enriching connection.

However, it’s important to note that challenges and tension may arise between these two due to their differing approaches to life and self-presentation. Fours might feel overshadowed by the Threes' drive for success and external validation, while Threes might find the Fours' emotional intensity overwhelming. The key lies in appreciating their differences and being realistic about what they expect from each other.

Type 3 with Type 5

The ambitious Type Three and the analytical Type Five together can form a surprisingly harmonious and dynamic connection. Both are efficient and competent and tend to become experts in their fields of interest. Type 3s are driven by success, achievement, and external validation, while Type 5s are cerebral, analytical, and value independence. Like any other pairing of types, there can be strengths, challenges, and opportunities for growth for the Enneagram Three-Five partnership.

In a romantic relationship, Threes may admire the intelligence and depth of Type 5s and hold deep respect for their partner’s knowledge and ability to delve deep into what they find interesting. Fives, in turn, may be drawn to the adaptability, confidence, energy, and drive of Type 3s.

The Three’s self-assured and energetic nature, paired with the Five’s depth and thoughtfulness, may make a steady couple.

Also, the Five can help stabilize the ambitious Three, while the Three encourages the Five to be out of their shell.

Similarly, these types can build a supportive environment that values achievement and knowledge in family life. In terms of friendships, mutual respect and admiration form their bond. As friends, they challenge each other to explore new horizons. Type 3 encourages Type 5 to engage more socially, and Type 5 offers Type 3 a safe space for reflection.

However, challenges exist; frustration can grow within their relationship. Type 3s Threes' need for constant action and tendency to crave attention and validation can clash with Type 5s’ desire for solitude and intellectual pursuits. So, open communication and respecting each other's boundaries are crucial. Threes can learn to value quiet time, while Fives can embrace social engagement in measured doses.

Type 3 with Type 6

Types 3 and 6 are doers. They are practical, hardworking, resilient, and can work well as a team.

Together, these two can create a harmonious bond, where the Threes bring energy, optimism, self-confidence, a desire to connect, and the hope of success, while the Sixes offer warmth, grounding, loyalty, trustworthiness, and perseverance in difficult times or crises.

In romance, this couple is dutiful and responsible, and they are likely to create a kind of balanced and supportive partnership. Shared goals bring them together, and their unique traits can support one another to grow. Type Threes in relationships, with their confidence and drive, can energize the Six and bring out the best in them, pulling them out of their comfort zone and fostering a sense of "we can achieve anything together." Sixes’ stability, honesty, and faithful nature, in turn, keep Threes grounded and help them be more comfortable opening up.

In family life, type 3s and 6s may also naturally complement each other, with the Three's adaptability, charm, and confidence blending well with the Six’s preparedness and protective instincts. Likewise, friendships between these two can thrive on shared values like hard work, common goals, and complementary traits, with Type 3s providing encouragement and inspiration, and Type 6s offering reliability and loyalty.

Certainly, potential troubles between them can occur if their relationship is not healthy or well stabilized, particularly when Type 6’s cautious and suspicious nature conflicts with Type 3’s hard-driving energy. Open communication and a good understanding can navigate these challenges, making the Three-Six connection a powerful force in any relationship.

Type 3 with Type 7

The enthusiast, spontaneous Sevens and energetic Threes possess multiple traits in common. Both types have energy; they are outgoing, sociable, and capable of bringing a sense of optimism and possibility. That makes them have a high potential for compatibility despite differences in their personalities, core motivations, desires, and unique perspectives.

In love, Types 3 and 7 can create an exceptional couple who share an optimistic outlook and can communicate efficiently as long as both get past their inherent fears of vulnerability. 

This pairing can also bring a vibrant, fast-paced energy as they inspire each other to explore new opportunities and reach new heights. Threes, driven by achievement, can inspire busy Sevens to channel their boundless energy into focused goals. On the other hand, Sevens can help Threes have fun, relax, and embrace the joy of the journey.

In the family relationship, Types 3 and 7 may create a dynamic home environment, with the Three’s motivation, structure, and results-oriented approach cooperating with the Seven’s playful and spontaneous nature. In friendships, their differences can lead to a strong bond, where Threes admire Sevens' free spirit and Sevens appreciate Threes' ability to get things done.

However, as both types are always busy and avoid their genuine feelings, conflicts may often go unspoken. Also, these two tend to struggle with emotional vulnerability and be sensitive to rejection or feelings of loss. In fact, tension between them can arise at any time when the Three’s image-conscious, ambitious, and practical nature clashes with the Seven’s spontaneity and adventurous spirit. The key to addressing potential tensions is to learn to slow down, open up, and share their feelings to strengthen their connection.

Type 3 and Type 8

Enneagram Type 3 and Type 8 can be highly effective and powerful together, as both are energetic, productive, action-oriented, and willing to go after anything they want in life. As a result, Threes' ambition and Eights' assertiveness and intensity can create a forceful couple with the potential for immense personal and professional success.

In love and romance, it seems that they’ve found someone who matches their high energy. The Threes' drive to excel finds a strong supporter in the Eight's unwavering confidence, helping the Three become the fullest version of themselves. Type 3, with their competence and responsibility, helps their Type 8 partner relax their need for control, as they no longer feel the pressure of having to handle everything on their own. With mutual love and respect, the Eight can open up for vulnerability and care, while the Three may feel protected and loved better than ever.

In family settings, Type 3's goal-oriented approach meeting Type 8's protective instincts may create a dynamic and secure home environment. Within Types 3 and 8 friendships, their bond can be built on a shared love of challenge and direct communication style. Threes value the Eights' strength and decisiveness, while Eights admire the Threes' adaptability and sociability.

However, having many similar qualities within their personalities, especially both likely being extreme, stubborn, and competitive, can be a source of conflict.

When both types are unhealthy and under stress while trust and openness aren't maintained, Eights may become possessive, domineering, and jealous, and Threes may feel insufficiently appreciated and valued. Learning to compromise and appreciate each other's perspectives fosters a more fulfilling relationship. In addition, it’s good to let go and have fun; things do not need to always be controlled.

Type 3 and Type 9

Enneagram type Threes in relationships with Nines can be harmonious and highly compatible. The Nine offers enormous empathy, encouragement, and support to their Type 3 partner, while the Three can help the Nine value themselves properly and be more ambitious to chase after what they want in life.

As a romantic couple, these two can balance one another out, where Type 3's need for recognition and achievement meets Type 9's desire for stability and harmony. Threes find in Nines, with their love and acceptance, a calming presence that soothes their need for external validation and recognition. Nines, in turn, appreciate the Threes' drive and goal-setting, which can nudge them out of their comfort zone and inspire personal growth. The 3-9 duo likely enjoys spending lots of their hours together and does not tire of one another easily.

Greatly, they can also be a great pairing for partnership and working together as long as both know how to communicate effectively.

In family life, these two can create a well-rounded environment where Type 3's goal orientation comes together with Type 9's peace-seeking nature. Also, friendships between Type 3 and Type 9 are built on a foundation of encouragement and acceptance, with the Three's motivational energy being well balanced by the Nine's easy-going nature.

However, their different energies and opposite traits in their personalities can create conflicts and tension. When unhealthy and under stress, Threes might find the Nine's indecisiveness frustrating, while Nines could feel overshadowed by the Three's constant striving. The key to dealing with potential challenges or conflicts within this relationship lies in mutual respect for differences, open communication, and creating a healthy balance between achieving goals and relaxation.

Wrapping up

Type Threes in relationships with any Enneagram type can be a great match if mutual understanding, respect, open communication, and a high level of self-awareness are in place. In other words, Type 3 individuals, the Achievers, can be compatible with any type when both sides learn how to balance themselves and their relationships. Threes, with their competent, energetic, and goal-oriented nature, inspire their partners to achieve greatness, bringing out the best in themselves. However, their fear of failure and desire for success may sometimes result in conflicts and challenges in their connections with others. The key is to learn how to open up emotionally, embrace vulnerability, practice active listening, and balance their ambition with relaxation.

If you want to find more information about Enneagram 2, explore Enneagram Type Twos In Relationships: Unveil Strengths & Challenges.