Unveil Enneagram 6 Compatibility & Type Sixes in Relationships

Insights Into Enneagram Type Sixes in Relationships & Enneagram 6 Compatibility

Type Sixes in relationships are loyal and devoted partners. Still, they may be anxious and suspicious, potentially causing trouble spots in their relationships.

Enneagram Type 6, aka the Loyalist, is committed, faithful, and reliable. In relationships, they value consistency and commitment, prioritizing partnerships and connections with those they find trustworthy, steady, and kind. Though Sixes can be anxious and indecisive, they may also become incredibly courageous when they feel they need to protect their loved ones. Still, when less aware, Type 6's suspicion can make them feel insecure, and their fear of the relationship ending may ultimately result in the relationship falling apart. Keep scrolling down to learn details about Type Sixes in relationships and Enneagram 6 compatibility with all nine personality types.

Enneagram Type Sixes in Relationships: Love, Family, and Friendships

Type 6 people are often best known for their steadfast loyalty and security-oriented nature. They are also responsible, hardworking, cautious, and steady; however, Loyalists may be highly anxious and typically have problems with suspicion and self-doubt. In fact, Sixes are also called “the Skeptics,” with a strong focus on seeking security and avoiding risks, excelling at anticipating worst-case scenarios, and preparing for things that could go wrong.

Enneagram Sixes like to stick to people and relationships that provide a sense of security in a potentially dangerous world. In turn, they are also thoughtful and protective of their loved ones. Still, due to their suspicious and anxious nature, though Type 6s crave connected relationships, they may also struggle with uncertainty regarding their partner's level of commitment.

Enneagram Sixes in Romantic Relationships

Enneagram 6 in love and romance are often so thoughtful, caring, and protective of their significant other, making Sixes loving and loyal partners.

They crave stability and commitment and tend to seek trustworthy and reliable partners. However, when the Loyalists aren’t as healthy, they may appear anxious and controlling and struggle with trusting their partner, which can create issues in their relationship.


  • Unswerving loyalty to their partner;
  • Making thoughtful, balanced decisions;
  • Dedication to working through challenging problems and tough issues.

Potential Challenges:

  • May struggle to make significant, difficult decisions;
  • May find it hard to remain calm in a tense discussion;.
  • May have trouble letting go of unhealthy relationships;
  • Tend to be prone to worry and anxiety, which may lead to overthinking in the relationship.

Growth tips:

  • Practice open communication with their partner about their anxieties;
  • Work on building self-confidence and trust in their own judgment;
  • Learn to manage their fears and anxieties healthily.

Enneagram Sixes in the Family Relationship

Enneagram Type 6 is a family type. They often have a precise idea of their future spouse and ideal home. Also, as a committed personality type, Sixes are likely great parents; they won’t be reluctant to make serious commitments—in fact, they strongly desire them.

Within the family, Loyalists tend to create a strong sense of security for their loved ones, anticipating potential problems and diligently planning for the future. However, their tendency towards worry, indecision, and constant vigilance may lead to overprotectiveness, excessive worrying, and overcautiousness. This might result in potential family tension.


  • Providing a sense of security and emotional support;
  • Ability to foresee and address potential issues proactively;
  • Dedication to maintaining family harmony and stability.

Potential Challenges:

  • Excessive anxiety and overthinking;
  • A tendency to be overly cautious and overprotective.

Growth tips:

  • Develop healthy routines and good habits to release anxiety;
  • Openly share concerns with other family members and listen to them to build trust and understanding;
  • Learn to let go of their need for constant reassurance.

Enneagram Sixes with Friends

Loyal and committed, Enneagram Sixes offer steady reliability and an offbeat sense of humor to their friends.

They crave loyal friendships and love to build their bonds on a solid foundation of trust.

Often, Type 6 people enter their friendships carefully; however, once they do, they tend to be in it for the very long haul with the willingness to stand by their friends through all the ups and downs.

As long as Sixes find themselves comfortable with a friend or a group of friends, they are playful and energetic. However, the Loyalists sometimes struggle with worry and anxiety, especially when they are less aware or unhealthy. This may create challenges within their friendships.


  • Unwavering loyalty to their friends, often forming lifelong bonds;
  • Take their commitments seriously—they're there for friends even during difficult times;
  • Sixes are empathetic and can be counted on to provide a listening ear.

Potential Challenges:

  • Tendency to be overly anxious or worried;
  • May be occasionally withdrawn from social situations;
  • A tendency toward suspicion can make it hard for them to open up.

Growth tips:

  • Opening up to friends to strengthen bonds and build trust;
  • Learning to manage anxiety helps cultivate more fulfilling friendships.

Enneagram Type 6 Relationship Compatibility

If you wonder “Who is Enneagram 6 compatible with” or “What types do Enneagram 6 get along with,” here’s the answer: Type Six and any of the nine Enneagram types can create a good, compatible relationship as long as mutual understanding, respecting the other person’s unique strengths and differences, and efforts to work on self-awareness and personal growth are in place. Any pairing of types experiences its unique joys and struggles. Following are the details:

Type 6 with Type 1

Enneagram Sixes and Ones are responsible, committed, and hardworking, possessing a strong sense of duty. They are alike in many ways and tend to be often misidentified with each other. These two also deeply care about the truth and highly value reliability and loyalty. In addition, Types 6 and 1 also bring unique qualities that the other person highly appreciates, such as Ones’ sense of reason, integrity, and self-discipline, and Sixes’ unwavering loyalty & protective and caring nature.

In love and romance, the 6-1 pairing may create a stable and trustworthy partnership. Also, they can be logical and dutiful together with a desire to give and serve their family and friends. More importantly, each can well complement their partner:

Sixes’ warmth, support, and playfulness help Ones lighten up, while Ones’ decisiveness, mental clarity, and ability to think clearly even under pressure can help ground anxious Sixes.

They can count on their partner, and that’s important for both of them to feel loved. Additionally, Type Sixes in relationships, with their ability to foresee multiple potential outcomes, make Ones recognize that there are other ways for things to unfold. Also, the self-assured and decisive nature of Ones can encourage Sixes to cultivate these qualities within themselves.

In family relationships, Types 6 and 1 may create a stable family bond, with Sixes’ loyal, supportive, and protective nature and Ones’ stability, consistency, and honesty. Likewise, these two tend to enjoy mutually beneficial relationships that thrive on trust and respect.

However, if both are unhealthy or stress increases, they can encounter quite significant challenges. One's critical nature might trigger Sixes' anxiety and worry, making them feel insecure about the relationship. On the other hand, Sixes' self-doubt, anxiety, and defensiveness could frustrate One's decisiveness and desire for clarity. So, to enhance compatibility, Enneagram 1 vs 6 should practice open communication to prevent misunderstandings, cultivate understanding and patience, and have a shared commitment to growth together.

Type 6 with Type 2

Type 2s, the Helpers, best known for their nurturing and caring nature, have a high potential for compatibility with the loyal (yet anxious) Type 6s. When in love, these two may form one of the strongest pairings, with the Six’s loyal and safe love and Type 2’s romantic and affective love.

They are steadfast, highly responsible, and faithful to one another. Besides, both value a deep connection and are willing to do what they find necessary for the other person. Importantly, due to Two’s caring, empathetic, and affectionate nature, the anxious Six can find themselves reassured that their significant other will always support them. Also, Enneagram Six’s loyalty and longing for steadiness give Type Two a sense of being appreciated and prioritized.

As in family life, Types 6 and 2 can create a nurturing and supportive environment, with the Twos’ warmth complementing Type 6's protective instincts. Also, if the Helper and the Loyalist are friends, they tend to share a bond of reliability and empathy.

Still, tension and conflicts can arise when any of them or even both are out of balance. For instance, Twos may feel hurt due to the Six's reactivity, while Type Sixes in relationships may feel jealous or neglected by the Two’s outward focus. Again, open, clear communication is necessary for this pair. They should spend time nurturing and developing their connection together. Moreover, expressing their needs verbally can be helpful.

Type 6 with Type 3

Enneagram Type Six (the Loyalist) and Type Three (the Achiever) can work so well as a team.

They are hardworking, professional, and likely get along great at work, with the Threes bringing optimism, high energy, self-assurance, ambition, and adaptability, and Sixes offering warmth, support, grounding, loyalty, and responsibility.

In love and romance, these two can foster a partnership built on shared goals and mutual respect. The loyalty, warmth, security-seeking, and supportive nature of the Type 6 can balance the ambitious and image-conscious tendencies of the Type 3, helping them stay grounded and slow down to enjoy life a bit more. Also, the Six’s honesty and transparency offer the Three the comfort to open up and seek the emotional connection they are looking for. Meanwhile, the Threes, with their self-assured, energetic, and success-oriented nature, can help bolster the Six’s self-confidence, giving them needed encouragement to pursue their passions.

As family members, this pairing may foster a well-rounded and supportive family environment, with Type 6's sense of duty and responsibility combined with Type 3's adaptability and drive for achievement. In friendships, Enneagram Sixes and Threes are likely to form a supportive bond, where Type 6 values Type 3's determination and encouragement, and Type 3 appreciates Type 6's trustworthiness and ability to analyze situations from multiple angles.

However, tension between them can arise at any time unless their relationship is healthy and well-stabilized. Both types are different in many ways, such as Type 6 valuing loyalty and Type 3 valuing achievements. As the Six highly values loyalty, the Three’s shapeshifting likely makes the Six doubt their trustworthiness. Also, the hard-driving energy associated with Type 3 may conflict with the cautious nature of Type 6, leading the Three to perceive the Six as holding them back. To enhance compatibility, open communication, sincerity, honesty, and a healthy balance between ambition and reassurance are key for this couple to thrive.

Type 6 and Type 4

Sixes and Fours (the Loyalists and the Individualists) share a deep well of emotions and a desire for connection. Both are highly emotional and tend to feel insecure around people. Interestingly, Type 6s may often initially misidentify themselves as Fours.

In love, their relationship could be rich in emotional depth and provide a sense of security. They can be quite alike, and that’s comforting for both. Also, each person brings unique qualities that the other person appreciates:

Sixes provide loyalty, perseverance, and practicality, and Fours bring emotionality, creativity, self-awareness, and compassion to their relationship. Together, the 4-6 pairing can find the depth they desire in their partnership, as Fours always seek to go deeper while Type Sixes in relationships are dedicated to sticking together.

Likewise, in family relationships, these two can offer a mixture of stability and creativity, with Type 4's creativity and sensitivity complementing Type 6's protective and supportive nature. In friendships, this duo can also create a rich and meaningful connection due to Type 6's ability to offer practical solutions and Type 4's tendency towards introspection and self-analysis.

Still, tension and conflicts may arise from the differences within their personalities and perspectives. For example, Type 6’s desire for steadiness and predictability may clash with Type 4’s tendency to reject being limited or boxed in. On the other hand, Type 4's pursuit of authenticity and uniqueness may not always align with Type 6's desire for consistency. Also, these two tend to be reactive and emotional. So, when they each find themselves out of balance or when things get intense, open, constructive communication is needed. It’s important to find a balance where both individuals feel heard and understood.

Type 6 and Type 5

Enneagram Sixes and Fives are head types, though they have quite significant differences. Still, these two both respect factual objectivity, detail, accuracy, and the ability to evaluate and analyze situations objectively. Together, the combination of Types 6 and 5 can be highly effective in resolving crises due to their problem-solving skills and the ability to apply their expertise to addressing problems.

In love, this duo shows up as a couple of wise and loyal lovers. They are often steady, trustworthy, and capable. Their different approaches and unique qualities bring balance and stability to their relationship.

The Five’s steadiness, calm presence, and mental clarity can help stabilize the anxious Six. Meanwhile, the Five can also find themselves more connected and less isolated thanks to the Six’s thoughtfulness, attentiveness, and unwavering loyalty.

In family relationships, Type 6's supportive and protective nature, blending with Type 5's analytical approach and steadiness, can foster a nurturing and balanced environment. It’s also worth noting that these two Enneatypes are extremely thoughtful about family. As friends, this pairing likely excels, with Type 6 valuing Type 5's wisdom and reliability and Type 5 appreciating Type 6's steadfast support. 

However, challenges also exist in their relationships, especially when Type 6's need for reassurance clashes with Type 5's desire for independence and space. Also, Fives can find Sixes’ tendency to rely too much on existing rules and procedures frustrating. Conversely, Fives’ creativity and out-of-the-box thinking may cause Enneagram 6 in relationships to get frustrated.

Additionally, when both are unhealthy and out of balance, and even worse, trust and mutual understanding break down, Type 5 can see Type 6 as too indecisive and conservative, while Type 6 feels that Type 5 is excessively independent, isolated, and weird. So, both should communicate openly, compromise, and appreciate each other's unique qualities to develop a deeper and more fulfilling connection.

Type 6 with Type 6

Two Enneagram Type 6s offer quite the same qualities to each other. Trust and commitment are crucial to them, and if this has been established, the two Sixes can unwind and have fun together in a way they rarely do with others. They can also give one another lots of support and mutual protection.

As a couple, two Type Sixes in relationships can create a passionate pair.

Of course, both value trust and safety, and it may take a while to build the high level of trust needed for a long-term partnership.

Once double Sixes have gone through a period of stabilization in their relationships, a strong sense of trust can be established. They can openly discuss what makes them feel secure and understand each other's reactive tendencies when one of them experiences a momentary lack of trust.

In family life, their combined protective instincts tend to foster a strong sense of faithfulness and safety, ensuring a secure and nurturing environment for their loved ones. However, their shared cautiousness can sometimes lead to overprotectiveness. Also, two Type 6s in friendships can become each other's most reliable confidants, always willing to back each other up. 

Still, many challenges can arise within this pairing. They are reactive in conflict and may say things that they don’t really mean in their heated moments. That, of course, can lead to a breakdown in mutual trust, which is so difficult to recover. Also, their shared tendency towards worry, doubt, and indecisiveness can lead to heightened anxiety if not managed well, making it hard to cultivate a fulfilling connection. To thrive, the 6-6 relationships require a delicate balance of trust, mutual understanding, and effective communication. Both should express their compassion and loyalty to each other regularly.


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Type 6 with Type 7

The energetic Seven and the security-seeking Six can help balance out each other, with Type 6s bringing commitment and loyalty while Type 7s offering optimism and an adventurous spirit. Sevens are entertaining and can lift Sixes’ spirits, while Sixes’ reliable and cautious nature may help the impulsive Seven stay more grounded.

In love and romance, the 6-7 pairing can glow together with loyalty and laughter. Sixes may be drawn to Sevens’ warmth, optimism, and high-spirited nature. This thrill-seeking type does bring fun, playfulness, and a sense of adventure to the typically cautious nature of the Six. On the other hand, Type Sixes in relationships provide steadiness, a touch of prudence, and balance to Type 7s' enthusiastic energy. They will give Enneagram Sevens stability and groundedness, while a Seven, in return, will gently take a Type 6 out of their comfort zone.

Similarly, Six and Seven in family life may create a safe and lively home environment where Type 6's planning and preparation and Type 7’s fun, exploration, and carefree nature come together. Also, as friends, they balance and support each other, with the Six offering loyalty and support and the Seven bringing excitement and a dash of spontaneity.

Still, though Sixes and Sevens can complement each other effectively in their healthy states, the situation can change rapidly when they are under stress or out of balance. Indeed, Sixes prefer predictability, and the Seven’s unpredictable nature may trigger the Six’s deepest insecurities. Conversely, a Seven may get tired of a Six’s reluctance to take risks and "pessimism." To enhance relationship compatibility, both should be more open about their thoughts and feelings, cultivate better mutual understanding, and respect each other’s differences.

Type 6 and Type 8

Sixes and Eights have great potential to build a long-lasting relationship. Both are deeply loyal and protective yet often struggle with trust issues. It’s not easy for them to find ones they can trust; however, once the mutual trust has been founded and they have bonded, their connection can be very solid and profound.

Importantly, each can complement the other well: Sixes' warmth and kindness can make the Eight feel supported and cared for and Eights’ protectiveness and assertiveness can be comforting for the anxious Type 6; Type 6 provides steadfast support, while Type 8 offers strength and leadership.

When in love, they can be a very harmonious pairing. These two are responsible, hardworking, and committed; both share a great appreciation for loyalty and love. Also, they tend to be direct in their communication and prefer to address everything openly. This offers transparency and a deep sense of security, as both do not need to wonder or guess what the other person is thinking. The Eight's clarity, decisiveness, and directness open the door for establishing trust with Type Sixes in relationships, who always crave safety and security. Meanwhile, the Type 6's cautious nature also helps balance the Type 8's boldness.

Similarly, Types 6 and 8 in family relationships can be well complementary, where Sixes may act as a calming influence on Eights' impulsiveness, while Eights can reduce Sixes' anxieties. As friends, they offer a sense of mutual support, where Type 6 values Type 8's strength and determination, while Type 8 appreciates Type 6's loyalty and reliability.

However, both the Six and Eight are emotional and reactive, and this may cause tension in the relationship, especially when they are out of balance or stressed.

Also, tons of issues can arise if there is a lack of trust between them; each tends to hold back, leading to distances within the relationship. Six may find Eight’s strong-willed and forceful approach to life off-putting and could start to revert to self-protection. Conversely, the Eight might perceive the Six's doubts, alertness, or worries as a lack of trust. So, clear communication and respecting each other's core needs play crucial roles in enhancing their compatibility.

Types 6 and 9 Compatibility

Type Sixes, the Loyalists, and Type Nines, the Peacemakers, can often form very stable relationships. Though these two are very different, both desire comfort, harmony, and stability, and they can find that in one another and their connection. Sixes, with their need for reassurance, find comfort in the Nine's easygoing nature and unwavering acceptance. Nines, in turn, appreciate the Six's loyalty and commitment.

As a romantic couple, Enneagram Sixes and Nines often create a great couple. Type 9's tranquil nature, predictability, and deep inner peace can naturally soothe Type 6's anxious, skeptical, and doubtful side. Also, the Six, with more action-oriented, practical, and active-minded tendencies, can encourage the Nine to be more active in their own life. Together, these two can find an equilibrium where both thrive, creating a complementary and solid pairing.

Type Sixes and Nines, in family settings, may also make excellent parents and a balanced home environment, with the 9's ability to remain calm and maintain harmony going together with the 6's protective and security-oriented instincts. Likewise, as friends, this duo can cultivate a deep friendship marked by the Type 6's steadfastness and the Type 9's nonjudgmental understanding.

However, significant challenges can arise in the relationship if mutual understanding and open communication are not in place, especially during times of stress. In tension, Nines may find Sixes’ questioning accusatory, while Sixes can feel abandoned due to the Nine’s withdrawal. Sixes tend to be reactive in conflict, while Nines may avoid conflicts and confrontations at all costs. This fundamental difference can cause more hurdles for both type Nines and Type Sixes in relationships. Open communication, emotional honesty, mutual respect, and a willingness to share their thoughts are key to addressing these challenges.


Enneagram Sixes, the Loyalists, bring their steadfast loyalty, commitment, reliability, and a bunch of other qualities to relationships. In connection with others, they also value commitment, trustworthiness, and consistency, prioritizing relationships with kind, steady, and faithful people. However, their indecisiveness, self-doubt, and anxious and suspicious nature may cause challenges to their bonding and partnership with others. Still, the great news is that Sixes in relationships can match with any of the nine types as long as both partners are healthy and they can communicate openly and honestly, respect each other with mutual understanding, and be willing to balance their needs with the other person’s.

If you want to learn about the correlation between enneagram test 5 and 9 personality types, explore Enneagram 5 Compatibility & Type Fives in Relationships.